Oil Search Foundation (OSF) in partnership with The Voice Inc. (TVI), Kikori Secondary School and Tari Secondary School, rolled out their Leadership Training Program – aimed at equipping PNG’s leaders of the future.
Recognizing that effective leadership is essential to the sustainability of PNG’s development plans and goals, Stephanie Copus-Campbell, Executive Director of Oil Search Foundation commented: “This training is an important part of equipping our youth with essential leadership skills to make a positive difference in their homes and communities and for their nation.”
The Leadership Training Program was conducted at Kikori Secondary School in Gulf Province and Tari Secondary School in Hela Province with more than 120 Year 12 students participating. The program was piloted in Kikori Secondary in 2018, and this year it was extended to Tari Secondary School as well.
Delivered by The Voice Inc., a youth development organization that runs leadership programs for students in PNG, the training was aimed at enhancing the leadership capacity of Grade 12 students by providing participants with essential skills to influence and motivate positive change in their communities and home – both now and into the future. The programme was supported by the Gulf and Hela Provincial Education Boards.
Hosted over three and four days, the program focused on: understanding leadership and drive, the importance of relationships and how these can encourage or discourage good leadership, the value of learning from experiences, plus the importance of attitudes and capabilities in respect to challenges, choices and desired outcomes. After the training, the students were tasked with carrying out group leadership assignments to further cement and practice their effective leadership skills.
Excited about having the opportunity to participate in the program and their next steps in implementing their learnt skills, Dickson Hevara a Grade 12 student at Kikori Secondary School commented: “Before the Leadership training I did not really know and think about my purpose in life. But after going through the training, I have thought about my purpose in life, and how I can best fulfil that purpose”
Tari Secondary School Year 12 teacher, Mrs. Justina Yarra, shared similar sentiments. “The leadership training is a first of its kind in Tari Secondary School, and it is good to see that the students are very interested. This training has helped the students to reflect on their experiences and encouraged them to practice good leadership values into the future. Teachers who also attended including myself, are privileged to be a part of this training. We’ve learnt some values, behaviors, and tactics that we can also utilize to help build these young people”. Mrs. Yarra said.
OSF is a key partner committed to supporting the development of PNG’s next generation of transformational leaders. The Leadership Training Program is just one of the innovative programs OSF has implemented in its efforts to making a positive difference.
Being proactive in developing PNG’s youth to drive positive change for their communities and nation is a priority for OSF. It reflects our aspirations and our constant efforts to ensure the best possible future for the people of PNG.