Residents of Port Moresby have taken to the streets to call for an end to violence against women and girls
Now in its second year, Bel isi PNG’s Walk for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAW) saw thousands gather at Konedobu Oval at dawn, and from there marched to Harbourside Precinct.
In the lead-up to Mondays International EVAW Day, the march was led by Governor Powes Parkop and the Minister for Police, Bryan Kramer. Both called for the community to work together to ensure every single woman and girl lives a life free from violence.
In his speech, Governor Parkop said that it is his vision to make NCD safe for women and girls. He also emphasised that it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure this happens.
“I want to see our city safe for everyone. Women and girls should be able to walk freely and live a life free from violence.”
Another key advocate against gender-based violence, Minister Kramer asked the crowd to think about the importance of our family homes being a place of comfort rather than a crime scene. “In that crime scene, small kids grow up, they grow up witnessing a crime being committed and as Papua New Guineans we should reflect on this. There is a lot we can do; the opportunity lies with us.”
Marcus Bai, not only a role model to his family but also to his many rugby league fans, he stood before the crowd and said “It’s never too late to say no to violence I am here today because I believe a family free from violence is the best outcome for men, women and our children. I am not here because I’m a sportsman. I’m here because I am a husband, parent, brother, cousin and uncle.”
Together with Oil Search Limited Managing Director, Peter Botten, Oil Search staff, Celestine Ove gave a moving speech of her own personal experiences which resonated with many women.
“I know the fear, loss of confidence and pain women and children experience from family violence,” she said. “I know how violence can prevent someone from reaching their full potential.”
“Silence allows violence to continue. You can take action by speaking about this issue with friends, family and your community. If we all come together, we will drive change for women and girls in our country.’
Many of the marchers were members of the organisations that make up Bel isi PNG – a public/private civil society partnership designed to address family and sexual violence.
“This time last year, Bel isi PNG had seven subscribers, now there are 13 and counting.” says Stephanie Copus-Campbell, Executive Director of Oil Search Foundation. The case management and safe house services are supporting more clients every month, and I’m pretty sure this walk will attract even more.
“Many people are saying ‘enough is enough’. And it’s not just women; it’s a lot of men too, and it’s wonderful to see so many children participate.”
The case management and safe house services are supporting more clients every month, and I’m pretty sure this walk will attract even more.
“Many people are saying ‘enough is enough’. And it’s not just women; it’s a lot of men too, and it’s wonderful to see so many children participate.”
Appropriately for a country where a vast majority of women will experience violence at some point in their lifetime, Friday’s EVAW march has kicked off a month of activities including the Governor’s Sunday Walk, a youth event on the streets of Port Moresby on Monday, and Redvember where NCDC is urging everyone to wear red to work on Fridays during November to say “Stop” to violence.
While the PNG Development Strategic Plan 2010 – 2030 expresses “zero tolerance (for) violence against women and children,” such violence “remains serious and pervasive” according to a 2017 Government report.
“Changing attitudes to family and sexual violence, as well as providing services to survivors is core behind the Bel isi PNG’s program,” adds Head of Gender and Leadership, Amanda Anderson. “The hope is that subscribers take the message back home to their families and communities and awareness raising is the first place to start. Many people don’t know that violence against women and girls is against the law or that there are services that can help those in need.
“So, taking that message and converting into action is not always something that’s going to happen overnight. But every journey begins with a single step.” “Or, in this case, a march!”