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Family planning services in Kutubu strengthened through Marie Stopes PNG training supported by Oil Search Foundation

course participants standing outside health centre


Family planning efforts in Kutubu have been given a boost with a recent Marie Stopes PNG (MSPNG) training of sixteen community health workers from fifteen health facilities in the area.

Supported by Oil Search Foundation, the training was conducted to improve the level of couple year protection (CYP) which measures the estimated protection provided by family planning service providers in a year.

With a projected national population growth rate of 3.1%, family planning services are essential in helping PNG couples make responsible choices about the size of their families.

Last year, family planning services administered through the OSF-MSPNG partnership in Kutubu, saw more men and women accessing family planning services.

High population growth rates, like the forecast growth of 3.2% in the Southern Highlands Province has led to the PNG Government’s commitment to improve access to family planning services. SF is keen to support that goal as reducing the population growth rate is important to the Government’s sustainability agenda.

The skills and knowledge gained during the two-week intensive course will help the health care workers expand family planning services in communities.

Health care worker, Lucy Benjamin of Tugiri thanked SF and MSPNG for their coordinated efforts.

“Thank you, Oil Search Foundation, Oil Search Limited and Marie Stopes PNG, long Karim save insait long Bilum Kam Kapsaitim long Kutubu.” (Thank you, Oil Search Foundation, Oil Search Limited and Marie Stopes PNG, for bringing the knowledge to us.)
- Lucy Benjamin Health care worker

Trainees were also supplied information materials and equipment they will need to use when performing services. Along with knowledge and skills, trainees were also issued with specialised family planning kits that provided a range of contraception options.

During the training, Marie Stopes also took the opportunity to raise awareness with community members in Sisibia about the benefits of planning their family.

Trainees will be provided ongoing supervision and mentoring by Marie Stopes Intern