Oil Search Foundation (OSF) today released its 2020 Annual Report with the theme ‘Resilience Through Adversity’. (Yumi Sanap Strong Wantaim, Namel Long Displa Taim Nogut)
The report draws attention to the importance of resilient partnerships and perseverance, to counter the impact of the pandemic now gripping the world.
“The year 2020 tested our resilience, and our ability to help our partners achieve results. It was, however, also an important milestone because it marked five years since Oil Search Limited (OSL) expanded the Foundation to deliver on a broader mandate that has made a positive difference in the lives of so many people.”
She thanked the Provincial Health Authorities of Hela, Southern Highlands; the three principal partners who deliver health services.
In 2020, the Foundation reports results of completing major infrastructure projects, delivering immunisation programs, enabling children to read, and giving young men and women the chance of a future, through jointly funded scholarships programs.
Immunisation services have also been maintained by PHAs, increasing substantially in Gulf Province, and outreach clinics continued despite travel and other restrictions. Supervised deliveries and ante natal visits improved, the number of people completing TB treatment also increased and TB wards were renovated in District hospitals.
A new literacy library was established and opened in remote Fugwa in Hela Province, and over 280 children learned to read in three supported literacy libraries.
Services for over 2,500 survivors of family and sexual violence were maintained across 2020. The Hela PHA opened two new Family Support Centres’ (FSC) in Koroba and Magarima District Hospitals. This has led to an increase of 30% in the number of people accessing FSCs.
Through the Foundation’s small grants program, 27 OSL staff from across PNG received small grants to help their communities with projects, which addressed improving water, sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH), strengthening a community’ preparedness for disasters and resilience, and improving basic community health and community awareness on family and sexual violence.
Over the past five years, these small grants scheme has supported over 100 small projects and benefited more than 50,000 people in communities across the country.
OSF also worked with OSL to deliver 12.4 tonnes of personal protective equipment (PPE) to four provinces across PNG. The much-needed equipment was distributed to staff and health facilities in Southern Highlands, Hela, Gulf and Central Provinces.
Ms Copus-Campbell acknowledged the Foundation’s principal partner and donor, Oil Search Limited, whose strong commitment to delivering social outcomes in PNG has enabled the Foundation to do its work. She emphasised the importance of supporting PNG Government systems and the work of other donor partners including the Australian Government, Gavi – Global Alliance for Vaccinations, Santos, Bank of South Pacific and others in the private sector.
"It has been a challenging but important year for the foundation. We have learned to work differently while continuing to deliver outcomes. Most importantly, we have helped to make a positive difference to the lives of many people, which is our ultimate purpose.”